Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Episode 5: New and Improved

White Noise adopts a new, professional layout, and Jon suffers from the consequences of his Wikipedia challenge!

-Angry rants at Chaos Pony
-Ian Conn's Word of the Day: Snifty
-Kyle's progress with Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
-Storytime Corner: Kyle's San Francisco Vacation


  1. Oooh a format! I really like the new format. Keep it up!

  2. It's funny about the snifty thing because a while ago, when I saw that Ian was Sir Snifty, I went ahead and googled it to see if it meant anything and I actually did find a definition. Merriam-Webster Online officially defines snifty as "1. sniffy: having or expressing a haughty attitude : disdainful, supercilious 2. petty, mean". But then Ian went and defined it as a blend of snazzy and nifty, and I realized that he was unaware of the word's apparently preexisting definition, which made me feel the need to make you guys aware of this.

    (I am, of course, aware that this is several years old and almost no one uses blogger anymore, but it's irked me that there's no comment section on the old podcasts so I was happy to learn there was a blog for this purpose, and here I am. (If you were by chance curious, I'm Lady Alfhildr on youtube.))
