Saturday, July 30, 2011

Episode 13: Frivolo City

In the last of Ricky's three episodes, we've finally burnt ourselves out and return to something resembling proper episode structure.

-The Sandbar returns!
-Ian presents his word of the day
-We rage at technology and its packaging

Episode 12: Half-Life and Horror Films

Kyle, Ian, and Ricky discuss some darker topics than they usually do.

-Kyle describes his Colorado trip
-Kyle explains his experience playing Half-Life
-Ricky and Ian discuss their opinions of horror films

Monday, July 25, 2011

Episode 11: Ghost Chilies

Ricky Linn joins us for the first installment of our return-to-podcasting-and-sub-par-audio-quality trilogy.

-Ian and Ricky review the spiciest foods in their respective college towns
-We discuss the filming of Gary the Misanthrope
-Kyle gives updates on future projects

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Episode 10: Seeds of a Podcast

Jon has left for basic training, and as a tribute to him, we have traveled back in time and recorded a crucial Skype call from June, 2009.

Important events include:
-Jon solders a microphone together
-We discover The Sandbar
-Ian attempts to humiliate people on Halo: Combat Evolved