Saturday, July 30, 2011

Episode 13: Frivolo City

In the last of Ricky's three episodes, we've finally burnt ourselves out and return to something resembling proper episode structure.

-The Sandbar returns!
-Ian presents his word of the day
-We rage at technology and its packaging

1 comment:

  1. Okay, so, Ian's password. I haven't got it down exactly, but I recognize the hint (with the help of a little google translate) as the origin of the name for The Guards Themselves, ("who will guard the guards themselves", as was pointed out in a youtube comment once) and I think that's a pretty fantastic first step in decoding it.

    I don't think TGT was far enough along for any of the good references to be his password yet, though, and laptop passwords are usually around for a few years anyways. So, I don't think that the password would be "ScottorBigFistDependingonWho'sCalling" or "IanhasFabulousHairofWonder" or "IStillHadFireLeft" or anything like that, as much as I want it to be.

    This means the password must reference the original context of the quote, which Wikipedia tells me is "the Roman poet Juvenal['s] Satires", and then is also referenced in Plato's Republic. So, it could be either of these titles, or any of a number of references within them. I'll just put "It'sDarkInThisCave" as my official guess because the allegory of the cave is the only one of Plato's works I'm very familiar with and why not.

    Also, in the course of researching this, it came to my attention that there was a pop culture section on the Wikipedia page for "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?", so I went ahead and added "the Guards Themselves" to this pop culture section right below the part on the Loading Ready Run sketch. I felt you guys deserved to be on there :)
